Engaging with a Recruitment Consultant for Job Seekers

Jeddalene Gito

Engaging directly with a recruitment consultant can significantly enhance your job search or progress in a recruitment process. The team at Morton Philips enjoys meeting candidates and discovering what makes them unique in the marketplace.

Here are some tips for professionals who are considering a new opportunity:

Research and Choose the Right Consultant

- Identify Specialisation: Look for consultants who specialise in your industry or job function.

- Check Reputation: Read reviews and ask for recommendations from your network.

Prepare Your Documents

- Update Your Resume: Ensure your resume is current, tailored to your desired job and always use spell check. Try to keep your resume to four (4) pages.

- Prepare a Cover Letter: Have a general cover letter ready that you can customise for specific applications. Try to keep cover letters to a maximum of two (2) pages. Let your personality shine.

Initial Contact

- Professional Introduction: Contact the consultant via phone call, email or LinkedIn with a brief, professional introduction. Request the Position Description / Executive Briefing Document if relevant.

- Attach Documents: Include your resume, a cover letter (summarising your career goals and relevant experience) and your LinkedIn URL.

Be Clear About Your Goals

- Career Objectives: Clearly communicate your career goals, desired roles, and preferred industries.

- Flexibility: Be honest about your salary expectations, location preferences, and flexibility.

Follow Up

- Schedule a Meeting: Arrange a face-to-face meeting or video call to discuss your profile in detail.

- Regular Updates: Stay in touch with updates about your job search progress or any changes in your availability.

Leverage Their Expertise

- Seek Advice: Ask for feedback on your resume, interview tips, presentation and market insights.

- Be Open to Suggestions: Be receptive to the consultant's advice on suitable roles and career paths.


- Prompt Responses: Respond to communication from the consultant promptly.

- Respect Their Time: Be punctual for meetings and interviews.

Most importantly, be yourself, engage with open conversation with anyone in our team at Morton Philips and don't forget to connect with us on Linkedin.

Contact us here.

View our Current Opportunities HERE!


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