Talent Solutions
Talent management is critical to organisational success and retention. This includes programs and processes that support the evaluation, performance, growth and mobility of employees within your organisation.
Talent management begins by defining a talent strategy in the context of the business strategy. The talent strategy will help your company to achieve its business goals.
Our team at Morton Philips offers a full suite of talent solution strategies. We understand alignment with your business strategy is critical for workforce planning. More than headcount, we will define your key talent segments, identify critical roles and analyse organisational skills gaps. Your organisation will then be able to use this information to drive succession plans, retention strategies, and learning and development agendas.
The development of an integrated talent management framework that purposefully selects and aligns to the needs of the organisation, enables greater financial gains, higher performance, improved retention, employee engagement and candidate attraction.
There are six areas that are integral to developing and mobilising talent, and the team at Morton Philips has the expertise to partner with you in the following:
- Leadership Development: Ensures that companies have high performing leaders to represent and manage the company.
- Succession Management: Defines the kind of benchmark strength that is necessary for succession (top down, position-driven).
- Career Management: Creates awareness of employees’ career goals (bottom up, employee-driven).
- Performance Management: Provides a vehicle for assessing talent.
- Total Rewards: Throughout the employee lifecycle, it is critical that employees are rewarded appropriately.
- Employee Value Proposition: Needs to link directly to what can be influenced when attracting, developing and retaining talent. In today’s talent-driven market, organisations must start talking about why top talent should come and work for them in an informed way.