To Filter or Not to Filter?

For many years, it is known and expected that we are to be truthful in the preparation of our resumes. This is now extending through to our Linkedin profiles providing a consistent and honest representation of our professional lives.
Your LinkedIn profile picture is the first impression you make on potential employers, recruiters and professional connections. While social media platforms often encourage filters and heavy edits, using them on LinkedIn can be a mistake.
Professionalism Matters
LinkedIn is a professional networking platform and your profile picture should reflect your real, authentic self. A heavily filtered or overly edited image can make you appear less professional and even untrustworthy.
Authenticity Builds Trust
Employers and clients want to engage with real people, not overly polished versions of them. A natural, well-lit, high-quality headshot creates credibility and fosters genuine connections.
Filters Can Be Distracting
Bright colours, skin-smoothing effects and artificial enhancements can take attention away from what truly matters - your skills, experience and expertise. A simple, professional photo with good lighting is far more effective.
First Impressions Count
Your LinkedIn profile is your personal brand, our opportunity to enable people to know, like and trust you before they reach out to you. A filtered image may come across as unprofessional, bazaar or fake, it may even suggest a lack of confidence in your appearance. Own your image - be confident and real!
For the best LinkedIn profile picture, use a high-quality, professional headshot with natural lighting and a neutral/uncluttered background. Stay authentic and let your expertise speak for itself!
This will also avoid awkward moments as people attempt to determine why you appear different in person compared to the profile image they first saw.
A few examples from the Morton Philips team are below, click on their images and connect with them on LinkedIn.