What's a Passive Candidate?

As an Executive Search firm, Morton Philips enjoys interacting with passive candidates every day. We receive responses like; ‘I have read through the job Description which looks very enticing…’ This is when we know we are on the right path to finding our clients the best possible available talent.
What’s a passive candidate? These are people who appear to meet the brief provided to us by our clients. These people are not actively seeking their next opportunity, they probably don’t even know there are other opportunities out there as they are content and focussed on their current occupation. Some of clients engage Morton Philips exclusively to use this method if they’re needing to run a confidential process or have a very niche position where an advertisement won’t attract the ideal candidates.
Responsible for the Executive Search methodology and working closely with our consultants is Morton Philip’s Head of Research, Rachel Francis. Rachel becomes an extension of our clients, she understands their story, their needs, culture and future direction and uses this as part of her extensive research to build a list of target potential candidates to confidentially approach.
A key resource is LinkedIn, have you updated your profile recently? We recommend it’s time you do so ‘headhunters’ like Rachel can find you and present you with an enticing new opportunity. Our research knows no bounds, we locate people locally, nationally, regionally and internationally. If that desired skill set and experience is out there, we’ll find them.
Another Executive Search Candidate this time based in America recently replied; ‘BTW, the brief has been designed really professionally and is eye catching.’
This is in response to the information we provide our candidates. In collaboration with our clients, we provide candidates with detailed company detail along with location information and position description.
If at the end of our correspondence, the opportunity is not the right fit, at the least, we have added to our vast network of professionals, represented our brand and that of our clients. We are grateful for the opportunity to connect with people and hopefully connect them to their next opportunity.
Contact Morton Philips today and speak to anyone in our team about Executive Search.